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Created by The Neighbors and Written by Students at CUNY Queens College

Traces was a devised documentary theater piece commissioned by CUNY Queens College. It is a story about the complex, interweaving lives lived in one apartment in Queens, on a block built at the turn of the 20th century.

The play (written entirely by the students) examines a sample of the residents that have called this apartment home over the last century, focusing specifically on the stories of the immigrant residents who have dwelled there during the great pandemics that swept the United States - Spanish Flu, polio, HIV/AIDS and COVID-19. This production premiered as a CUNY Queens College Mainstage production in Spring 2023.


March 2023 - Mainstage Production at The Goldstein Theater, Kupferberg Center for the Arts - QUEENS

Creators & Directors Sam Hood Adrain & James Clements

Devisors, Writers & Performers Celine Bancone, Ayi Bolaji Soares, Skye Bryan, Angie Etwarroo, Rose Gonzales, Anthony Kwan, Soraya Mahieddine, Josiah Rodriguez, Yenilé Rosario, Skye Pallo Ross, Leah Weintraub, and Alan Wong

Research & Additional Writing Jody Chan, Jacquel Johnson, Theresa Martin, Frances O'Giede, Kate Puran, Kim Puran, Ricardo Rodriguez, and Miguel Torres

Featured Interviews Jody Chan, Jacquel Johnson, Theresa Martin, Frances O'Giede, Kate Puran, Kim Puran, Ricardo Rodriguez, and Miguel Torres

Stage Manager Ashlei Miller
Assistant Stage Manager Joanny Baez
Lighting Jeff Greenberg
Sound Liam Bellman-Sharpe
Costumes Brynne Oster-Bainnson
Video Cosette Pin
Set Jessica Cancino
Props Jessica Blackman
Community Partners Queens Memory Project, Queens Public Library, and Queens Historical Society


Recognized by the National Endowment for the Arts 2022

Recognized by the National Endowment for the Arts 2021


Photos: What Will The Neighbors Say? Presents Traces At Kupferberg Centre For The Arts - BROADWAY WORLD

Team Set for World Premiere Production Of Traces At CUNY Queens College - BROADWAY WORLD